苹果iPhone 14系列上市近两周,因今年仅有感升级Pro系列,加上iPhone 14 Plus要拖至10月才上市,果粉今年对Pro版iPhone 14的需求大幅提升,又以iPhone 14 Pro Max需求又更高;中资天风证券分析师郭明𫓹指出,iPhone 14 Pro Max占Pro机型订单六成左右,将鼓励苹果明年iPhone 15 Pro与iPhone 15 Pro Max创造更大产品差异化。
郭明𫓹表示,iPhone 14 Pro Max订单量增加,有利第四季iPhone ASP与产品组合。
拉大两款Pro差别有什么好处?郭明𫓹认为,将再提升iPhone 15 Pro Max出货量,且能进一步强化iPhone产品组合。
I think this result will encourage Apple to create more differentiation between iPhone 15 Pro Max & 15 Pro to raise 15 Pro Max shipments and enhance the iPhone product mix.
— 郭明𫓹 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo)September 28, 2022
另一方面,日前有传闻指平价版iPhone 14需求不如预期,苹果有可能放弃追加600万支订单;郭明𫓹对这说法感到疑惑,因据他调查,苹果其实没有任何整体iPhone增产计划。
Rumored Apple ditching iPhone production increase sounds a little bit weird to me. As I surveyed before, Apple had production switch plans from iPhone 14/14 Plus to iPhone 14 Pro/14 Pro Max/price-cut 13, but I didn’t hear of any overall iPhone production increase plan.
— 郭明𫓹 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo)September 28, 2022