有“iPod之父”之称的苹果前iPod部门资深副总Tony Fadell,离开苹果后时常对前东家所作所为发布意见;近期他也对欧盟强制苹果iPhone换成USB-C充电端口发布意见。他认为欧盟做法正确,因苹果现在处于垄断地位。
这项讨论始于一位Twitter用户,想了解如果当初苹果被迫使用USB 1.0而非传输更快的FireWire技术,当时的iPod产品是否会成功?
Tony Fadell回应,其实整个世界已“融合”至USB-C,达物理与用户限制,接下来是无线连接战场,而不是继续差异化物理连接。他不担心欧盟强制规定,因只是在强迫苹果做正确的事。
I can’t see a problem. The world has converged on USB-C. The physical & user limits have been hit. Next up is wireless per, not a diff physical connection.
So I’m not too worried about this regulation. They’re simply forcing Apple to do the right thing… it’s overdue frankly.https://t.co/COtiZNCtmn
— Tony Fadell (@tfadell)October 6, 2022
Tony Fadell另一则推文表示,欧盟会出手监管就是因苹果处于垄断地位;有利消费者的监管、标准化动作很有必要,毕竟企业并不总是对“社会最佳利益”这件事感兴趣。
Tony Fadell也认为,利用基于环境保护论强迫iPhone换成USB-C,远比进入垄断法律审判容易,因苹果不喜欢第三者决定他们应该做什么。
I get it. Frankly forcing Apple to make this brain dead change for the planet through regulation is a much lot easier than a monopolistic legal trial. Again, Apple is abusing their market position & this is coming from the guy who made the 30 pin connector happen!https://t.co/mrVqOpHXJ3
— Tony Fadell (@tfadell)October 6, 2022
有趣的是,某关注Tony Fadell的用户指出,苹果起初反对USB-C是因过去通过MFi计划(认证iPhone/iPad配件)赚了很多钱。身为计划推手的Tony Fadell同意这观点。
And guess who was leading the team that invented the Mfi program?!? It’s time to do the right thing… period!https://t.co/p7beOHNzqE
— Tony Fadell (@tfadell)October 6, 2022